Public Events
The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society hosts a variety of family friendly festivals, workshops, lectures, films, and more throughout the year. Popular recurring events include Spring Event in April, Harvest Festival in October, and St. Nicholas Day in December. Learn more about our upcoming events.
Members have free entry to most public events. Become a member here.
September 11 - Tribute in Light - Honor and remember September 11. 7-9 PM. The Onderdonk House grounds will be open to view the official tribute and the House.
October 13 – Harvest Festival. Noon to 4 PM. $10 Adults. Members, children under 12 Free. Pumpkin picking, apple cider, crafts, exhibits.
October 19 and 20th – Open House NYC. Free admission to the Onderdonk House. 12 – 4 PM. Self-guided tours.
November 2nd – Candlemaking -11 AM. $20 per person. Includes all supplies.
November 3rd – Walking Tour Stockholm Street. Rescheduled for Spring 2025 $15 per person. 1:30 PM. Meet at Onderdonk House.
December 8th – ST. NICHOLAS DAY $5.00 adults, children & members free. Noon - 4 PM. Visits with St. Nicholas, free goody bag, singing, tree lighting. Learn the legend that Clement Moore made famous! Mulled Cider and holiday treats available. Check our social media for updates.
January 11th - CANDLELIGHT TOURS - 6 PM - 8 PM. Donation $20 per person, members free. Local musician, Ken Voisin, will entertain in our candle lighted Onderdonk House. Tours of the Onderdonk House. Mulled Cider and other refreshments available.
February 8th - CANDLELIGHT TOURS - 6 PM - 8 PM. Donation $20.00 adults, members free. Local musicians entertain in our candle lighted Onderdonk House. Tours of the Onderdonk House. Mulled Cider and other refreshments available.
March 8th - CANDLELIGHT TOURS - 6 PM - 8 PM. Donation $20.00 adults, members free. Local musicians entertain in our candle lighted Onderdonk House. Tours of the Onderdonk House. Mulled Cider and other refreshments available.
April 5th - Dedication of the John R Ries and Helen Ries Memorial Picnic Grove. 12 noon. Refreshments following the ceremony.
April 6th - Walking Tour of Stockholm Street. Meet at Onderdonk House at 1:30 PM. $15.00 per person.
April 27th – Spring on the Onderdonk Farm- 12 PM - 5 PM. Celebrate Spring and learn about local history. Market, music, crafts, games, refreshments. Donation $10.00, members and children 12 and under free.
May 4th - Walking Tour of Ridgewood North. Meet at Korean Square at 1:30 PM. $15.00 per person.
May 18th - Walking Tour of Ridgewood South. Meet at St. Matthias RC Church, Catalpa Avenue at 1:30 PM. $15.00 per person.
June 14th - Walking Tour of Central Ridgewood. Meet at IS 93, Forest Avenue at 1:30 PM. $15.00 per person