Additional Past Exhibits
100th Anniversary of the Armistice: World War 1 (2020) Curated by Linda Monte.
Images of America: Forgotten Queens (2014) Curated by Richard Asbell with Charles Sanchez.
Adriaen van der Donck's Portrait of a Colony (2012) Curated by Bethany Romanowski.
Boy Scouts of America: A Century of Service (2012) Curated by Richard Asbell. Collection of Joe Bradley.
Royal Roots Revisited: Saluting the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau (2009) Curated by Matthew Jensen with the assistance of Arthur Kirmss, Ellen Brody-Kirmss, Meghan Harkins, John Ogren and Stan Parchin.
Rites of Passage: Queens Cemeteries (2009) Curated by Richard Asbell and GRHS Board.
Just After the Battle: the American Civil War (2007-2008) Curated by Arthur Kirmss and Ellen Brody-Kirmss.
De Boerderij (2007) Curated by Brenda Bradley and Mark Mulholland; Participating artists included Diane Apostolacus, Pooja Bakri, Karen Beckhardt, Brenda Bradley, Cindy Gato, Rachel Jacobs, Paul Jacobson, Arthur Kirmss, Niki Lederer, Miranda Lloyd, Bettina Magi, Valessa Monk, Mark Mulholland, Georgina Queruel, Ellen Rand, Farah Salehi, James Saunders, Rosario Varela, Fotini Vurgaropulou, Nancy Ward and Brett Wintle.
Vernederlandsen: An Assimilated Anatomy (2006) Exhibition of diorama drawings by Denise Martinez.
Cross Currencies: Making Money in Old New York (2006) Curated by Arthur Kirmss and Ellen Brody-Kirmss.